Believe & Plan

The first question you need to ask yourself might sound sound ridiculous at this point, but it's one of the most important questions you need to answer! Do you really want to quit smoking now?

Making the decision to give up smoking is a great step; but you need to be ready. In the beginning it may not be easy, and you'll need to dig deep and work hard. That's why you will need to be sure that you are ready and that you actually want to quit now. 

Many quit attempts fail because the person simply wasn't ready or didn't really believe that they could give up smoking forever. Deciding to give up on a whim or because of things like financial reasons will set you up to fail in the long term. 

Then there are some who will promote such strategies as attempting to quit whilst you have a heavy cold or flu/cough; the idea being that when unwell you'll be less inclined to want to smoke and it will make it easier for you to give up cigarettes. It's pretty obvious that this is not good advice. Putting your body under additional stress and pressure whilst unwell is not advisable, and of course, many people naturally smoke less or not at all when unwell.

Once you have quit forever, you will see and feel many benefits, such as the financial savings. So, it's better to see such things as bonuses of your new future, smoke free life, rather than the trigger for your  quitting smoking.

You need to believe that you can quit cigarettes forever and that you are ready to do it now. 

If you believe that you're ready to quit forever and begin your journey to a permanent smoke free life, it's time to start planning. You've made a positive and life changing decision, so you will want to give it every chance of success - permanently!

So, now it's time to start planning. Stopping smoking will be a life changing experience and you will want it to be a permanent change. Planning and getting ready for such a big change will help prepare you for the journey ahead and hopefully steer you safely through some of the obstacles and challenges that are ahead of you. Remember, as hard as it might seem, many people have gone through it and quit smoking permanently. You can do it too!

The first thing to decide is what you quit date will be. You need to decide on a date that will give you the best possible start on your quit journey.  For example, it might not be a good idea to plan to quit on a Friday if you usually go out in the evening with friends or co-workers where the temptation (or the expectation!) to smoke might be great. 

Try to recognise what possible triggers you might face around the time you are planning to quit and plan your quit date around them. Maybe starting at the weekend would suit you better or on your rest days from work if you would prefer a quieter more relaxed start. Alternatively, you might want to try to stay busy and keep your mind active, so a Monday might be better day to begin.

Once you have your quit date decided, keep it recorded; this will help you note your progress and celebrate your future successes. Your first month and your first year ahead will definitely be milestones you'll want to enjoy and celebrate. Keeping track of your progress is really important and will help motivate you and keep you focussed, especially when times get tough along the road. 

Ready to start? Now it's time to quit! The first thing you need to believe and keep saying to yourself (and maybe those people around you if you need to) is that you're a non smoker now. 

The first 48 hours from the moment you quit are very important. After, this time the body will have got rid of all remaining nicotine in your system. That's when the cravings to start replacing this lost nicotine will be at their highest and you'll be at your most vulnerable. So, during these first few days you'll need to prepare and lay some strong foundations, mentally and physically, so you'll get through from day two!

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